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Assets Library
Updated over 2 months ago

The Assets Library is a repository where you can keep all the assets that your team needs to use across your Graphics Packages, Pages, and Mechanics.

Assets uploaded to the Library are stored, shared, and managed by Team, and owned by the Company (not individual users), just like Projects and Graphics Packages. This means that even if team members leave, the assets will remain there so you can keep working with them.

Supported file formats and size


  • .JPG; .PNG; .SVG; .WebP or .GIF

  • Size up to 5 MB.


  • MP4; WebM

  • Size up to 50 MB

Accessing the Assets Library

You can access the Assets Library from the top menu on Flowics.

  • Go to the top menu, click on Settings

  • Click on Assets Library.

Uploading media files

You will be able to upload images, videos.

(1) Click on the "Upload..." button

(2) Use the “Asset” option if you need to upload images or videos.

When uploading an asset you will be able to see the upload progress. You can also cancel an upload while it is in progress. Multiple files can be uploaded at the same time.

Managing assets

Organize your files by creating folders and sub-folders, using the "New folder" button.

Open folders by double-clicking them in the list, and navigate back to the previous level using the breadcrumb control above the list.

Assets uploaded using the "New folder" button will be stored in the current folder.

With a file selected, click the […] menu to see the available actions. These actions may vary depending on the selected file type.

  • Rename your asset.

  • Move it to a new folder.

  • Copy it to another folder.

  • Add it to Favorites assets.

  • Copy to another team. It is useful for users that belong to multiple teams or companies.

  • Download files.

  • Delete files.

Other sections are available:

  • Favorites: This section lets you keep frequently used assets easily available.

  • Recents: These are the recent upload assets.

  • Trash: Contains all the removed files. From here you can also restore files and move them to where they were before being deleted.

Please be aware that when you delete files from the Assets Library, they are not permanently removed and it will not reduce the storage usage. This is due to the possibility of linked media being present in Graphics, Mechanics, or Pages that could become broken.

Using media files in your graphics packages

Assets Library can be triggered from within the Graphics Editor, using the source picker control on any Image, or Video element.

This will display the Library interface, where you can manage files, and also select the one you need to use on the current Element.

Bear in mind when in the Graphics editor, you will not be able to change the team in the Assets Library.

(1) Select a Video, Image building block.

(2) Click on the element source control to display the library.

(3) Select the uploaded file from the list. According to the selected building block, the type of file that you can use must be of the same type. E.g. If you select an image element, you will only be able to select images in the library, other types of files will appear as grayed out and will not be selectable.

(4) Click on "Select" to use it on the building block.

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