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About Data Provider scopes
Updated over a month ago

What is a Data Provider’s scope?

Scope refers to the context of a Data Provider element, determining how its data can be accessed by other elements within the Graphics Package. There are two types of scope:

1) Global

A Global Data Provider allows its data to be accessed anywhere within the Graphics Package, even if elements binding to it are in different Overlays or Scenes. It is globally accessible. We suggest you group all global Data Providers in a single Overlay for better organization.

2) Local

A Local Data Provider will be only accessible for the elements that are nested within that Data Provider in the Elements Tree. Those are elements in the Provider’s local scope, meaning the data is not accessible outside of it.

How Local and Global scopes work

Scopes have an impact on the way you edit (Graphics Editor) and operate (Remote Control) your Graphics Package.

In the Graphics Editor, the main difference is in the data binding workflow.

When using local Data Providers, only their descendant elements (1) will display the data binding options —such as data source binding (2), dynamic backgrounds (3), or conditional visibility options (4)— on the Inspector Panel. This restriction defines the local scope.

However, if at least one Global Data Provider is present, the data binding options will appear on every element across the Graphics Package, they do not need to be parents, and all of them will be able to bind to it.

To create a Global Provider, double-click on a Data Provider element in the Data Providers panel.

Also, you can select a Local Data Provider and change it to Global scope over the Inspector.

If you have a Graphics Package already using Global Providers, and they are scattered among every other element on the Tree, you will see a button to move them all with a single click.

Using Remote Control

On the Remote Control, the difference relies on where the operator will find each Data Provider's controls, like pagination buttons for Collection Providers or parameters for Data Connector Providers.

A locally-scoped Data Provider's controls will be shown only when the Overlay that contains it is selected.

A globally-scoped Data Provider’s controls, on the other hand, will be shown on a panel that summarizes them all in a single selectable element, that will let you see all their controls at once.

Keep in mind that any updates on a global Data Provider —such as changing a Collection, or syncing a Data Connector— will affect all bound elements, regardless of the selected Overlay.

What is global scope useful for?

Global Data Providers are ideal when multiple Graphics elements across different Overlays or Scenes need to use the same data source and stay synchronized for quick operation and reusability.

Soccer Match Graphics with a Global Data Provider

Instead of managing separate data updates for team logos, formations, and the scorebug across different Overlays, a single Global Data Provider keeps everything in sync.

With just one update, all overlays reflect the changes instantly, reducing manual work. When switching teams for the next match, the update is applied globally in a single step. It also improves the Graphics Package performance, as the data requests and transformations are handled only once.

How to turn a local Data Provider into a global one:

  • Select the (local) Data Provider

  • Look for the “Data Provider scope” section on the Inspector Panel

  • Click the “Make global” button

How to unify similar Local Providers into a single Global Provider

If you already have several local Data Providers created across the Graphics Package, and they all use the same data source (a Collection, Mechanic, Data Connector, etc), you can optimize them with just a few steps.

This process starts by manually setting one of them to global scope. Then you will use a wizard tool to rebind every element bound to each of those old local Providers to this new global one. The tool will also replace all those —now unused— local Providers for Containers, in order to keep visual consistency (sizes, positions, backgrounds, borders).

  • Select a local Data Provider

  • Click the “Make Global” button to change its scope

  • Click the Gearwheel icon menu that appeared and select the “Find and replace similar Local Providers” option

  • Select the local Data Providers you would like to replace.

    • Only the compatible Local Data Providers are listed. This means that if you are triggering the find and replace action from a Data Connector Provider, only other Data Connector Providers will be listed, and not Collection Providers or Mechanic Providers, for example.

    • The ones marked with a “matching” label are those which have exactly the same parameters as the global one.

    • Those with the “alike” label are slightly different, but compatible for replacement. In the case of Data Connectors, for example, this means they might be using the same Connector and same Dataset, but have a couple of different parameters set.

    • Click the “Replace” button

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