Use this element to let your audience participate in a campaign using text tweets.
Bear in mind Call to Action only supports text tweets. This element cannot be used to upload media or comments into another on social networks.
The following are the Call to actions settings:
Use the title to encourage your audience to participate in the conversation, contest, etc.
Choose between the available fonts we offer. This change will apply to all the text fields of the element.
Color & Background Color
Color: Use it to change the text color.
Background Color: Use it to change the BG color of the element. It does not change the color of the text box nor the Tweet button.
Use it to align the title to the:
Button Text
In this field, you can change the text of the button. By default, it comes with "Tweet!" You can change it, for example, to "Participate!", "Comment!", or whatever you think is more suitable to your dynamic.
Button Alignment
Use to align the participation button to the:
Default Text
It refers to the Tweet box, where your audience will share their messages. You can enter a short message providing instructions and including the keywords or hashtag you are promoting.
This field contains 280 characters. Links are also counted.
Advance Setting - Custom CSS
If you would like to change the tweet box color, add the following CSS snippet. You just need to replace the existing color by the one you want to add.
/* ------Snippet start ----------- */ .widget-cta .tweet-textarea { background-color: white; } /* -------Snippet end---------- */