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Pages Responsiveness
Updated over 12 months ago

Pages provide a responsive layout as long as the embedding page (if any) is also responsive. This kind of Pages are embedded through a script so they adjust the height dynamically.

Keep in mind there are some limitations to responsiveness. The minimum width we support in our pages is 320px, any resolution smaller than that may cause issues on some Widgets. If you are embedding a Page, make sure to use all the available width of the page on mobile resolutions.

Regarding embedding Pages in external Content Management Systems, take into account there are some CMSs that do not allow the inclusion of external scripts. For these cases, you should check if your technical team can enable the inclusion of third party scripts. Otherwise, there is the option to embed the Page via iFrame.

Embedding Flowics via <iFrame>

This is NOT the default recommended option for two reasons:

1. Pages lose their height auto-adjustment feature

Different Widgets vary their height depending on the available width and/or the amount of content they display. This means that the Page does not have a fixed value in px (the script is in charge of adjusting this value dynamically). When using an <iframe>, it is necessary to declare this fixed value, which can generate a scroll (if the content "grows" more than the space allocated to it) or unnecessary spaces (if the Page is less than the assigned high).

2. Widgets that use modals for content display, such as Mosaic, lose this functionality in this case

One of the tasks that the script performs is generating the "modal" element (post preview) and put it on the display. Since the script does not exist, the modal is not generated. Check out how the user can interact with the posts when they click on them and the modal is on display:

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