In this article, we are going to show how you can configure a Flowics Poll scene in Vizartist.
Please request the .via and .dp file to your designated customer success manager.
1. Having installed the latest version of the middleware and connected to a Mechanics Middleware Source. Make sure you have selected "Others" as Integration Type.
2. Save the .dp file in C:\Program Files\Vizrt\Viz3
3. Have installed the data pool plugin set.
Integrating Flowics with VizArtist
1. Import the Flowics poll scene in VizArtist.
2. Open the scene.
3. Take a look at the tree and plugins that compose the scene and make sure there are no missing plugins.
4. Check the configuration of the following elements:
Control Objects.
Outerlayers: DataObject and DataReader plugins.
Itemscontroller: DataArray and DataReader plugins.
Control Objects
On each feed path enter the local XML path.
Outerlayers - DataReader
This DataReader is going to read the poll Title/Question and the call to action. This plugin must be configured as follows:
Outerlayers - DataObject
This plugin must be configured as follow:
Field name: poll
Notify Only On Change: off
Type: flowics_poll_obj
Itemscontroller - DataReader
This second DataReader is going to read the poll options, like name, percentage, progress bar, and image. This plugin must be configured as follows:
Itemscontroller - DataArray
This plugin must be configured as follow:
Field Name: data[4]
Notify Only On Change: off
User Other Container: off
Use Conversion Table: off
Type: flowics_option_obj
Items Containers
Each item container represents an option of the poll. For example, if your poll has more than 4 answer options, you should add an item container for each additional option.
The scene automatically adjusts the items within the poll. This is thanks to the Justifier plugin. In this example, the scene supports up to four options. For more options, you need to add more items.