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Using the Poll Buttons Building Block
Using the Poll Buttons Building Block
Updated over 7 months ago

This building block allows you to have your audience participating in a Poll directly within a Graphics Package that is embedded on a video player, without redirecting them to another page to do so.


To use poll buttons you need:

  • Have the On-device module enabled. If you do not, get in contact with your Customer Success Manager.

  • Poll Buttons only work with Poll Mechanics (both single and multiple) and with Poll interactions contained in a Story Mechanic.

For other Mechanics such as Scoring or Votes, this support is not available.

Setting up the Poll Buttons

(1) Create a Mechanic Provider.

(2) Connect it to a Poll Mechanic (single or multiple). Or to a Story Mechanic that contains Poll interactions.

(3) Look for the Mechanic Profile selector on the Inspector panel and choose the Audience Participation profile.

(4) Add a Poll Buttons element inside the Mechanic Provider.

(5) Look for a Data Source section over the Poll Buttons' Inspector panel, and bind the Mechanic field to the "mechanic" object provided by the Mechanic Provider.

(6) Use the "Buttons Layout" section properties to define how an option's button will look like.

(7) Use the properties on the Appearance, Background, Typography, and Borders section to set the base style for the buttons.

Poll Buttons behavior

The Poll Buttons element will change depending on the state of the Audience Participation controls of the Mechanic’s interactions.

  • Open: The options will be rendered and voting will be allowed.

  • Results: The options will show the result percentages. Voting is disabled.

  • Close: The options will not be displayed, and voting will not be possible.

On multiple interaction Mechanics, only one interaction can be Open/showing Results at a time. If all interactions are Closed, the Poll Buttons will not render anything.

Mechanic Profiles

The Mechanic Data Provider element lets you choose which interaction you want to work with when using multiple interaction Mechanics.

On the Mechanic Data Provider inspector, you will find a Mechanic Profile picker. Graphics Display (1) is the default profile, useful for showing results. To work with a Poll Buttons element you need to use the Audience Participation (2) profile. If the Mechanic Provider profile is set to Graphics Display, the Poll Buttons element will not render any buttons.

On this type of Mechanics, you can separately control which interaction is open for audience participation (in Second Screen pages or interactive Graphics Packages) and which one is being displayed in non-interactive Graphics, using the Open / Closed / Results controls or the Go Live button respectively.

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