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Setting up a Poll Mechanic
Updated over 6 months ago

Use it to create polls to quickly measure your audience's opinion about a specific topic, automatically displaying the results as soon as the vote is submitted.

In addition, It allows your audience to anonymously vote without any friction.

To learn how to create Mechanics, click here.

1. Setting up your Poll Mechanic

Take into account the maximum number of answers a mechanic supports:

  • Poll, Scoring, Votes, and Story: Up to 100 answers.

Before going into this setup process, please read what Flowics do to prevent deceptive practices like trolling and bots.

(1) It is a good practice naming your mechanic so that you and your teammates can identify it for later use or reviewing metrics.

(2) Use this field to type your question.

(3) Enter the answers to your question.

The question (2) and answer (3) text fields have a 60-characters limit.

(4) If you want to, add an image or embedded media for the web widget to display. Use the Media Type toggle to switch between these options.

(5) Enable Show Broadcast settings so you can add a Broadcast image that you can use for integrations through your graphics insertion system or cloud-based graphics using Flowics.

(6) Add the Broadcast Image

(7) Mark an answer as correct. Use it for trivia.

(8) When working with multiple polls, click here to add a new poll.

2. Other Settings

  • Restrict the number of times a user can submit their votes and these counts as valid votes. To do this use the Allowed Votes setting.

  • Filter the counting of the votes picking a geographical location using the Allowed Countries option.

  • Configure if results are displayed automatically after the user votes at interactive widgets, or if it's manually managed with the 'Show Results' button.

  • Connect flows (A) to collect votes coming from social content for each option.

Keep in mind that you must stop the Flows once the mechanic is closed, otherwise they will continue to collect votes that will be added to the results.

  • Edit Producer votes (B) where you can inject votes to your options, this way you can control the mechanic's results.

3. Web Integration

It is a requirement to create a Web Page with a Poll widget for web rendering so that your users can participate in the Poll mechanic by submitting their votes.

Use our Script code or oEmbed (if you have the support) to embed the web page in your digital properties.

4. Broadcast Integration

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