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Middleware Overview
Updated over 12 months ago

Viz Flowics Middleware is a tool that bridges a data source and a destination, allowing you to integrate live data into your graphics. The Middleware reads data from a source, whether on your local network or in the cloud, and then writes it to a destination, which can be a file in your local file system or a Viz Flowics Data Input in the cloud.

The Middleware runs on-premise, but it is set up and configured in the cloud:

The Middleware supports flexible data flows:

  • Cloud to local network: Use the Middleware to read data collected in Viz Flowics, either from social networks, or participation mechanics, and write it in a local file system. It also downloads the media content into a destination folder to use directly in your on-premise graphics insertion system.

  • Local network to the cloud: Middleware reads data from local sources, and writes the data to a destination in the cloud, a Viz Flowics Data Input.

The Middleware, depending on its configuration, allows you to run one of the following applications:

  • Viz Social: Download social content from Viz Flowics to a local network, enabling data integration into an On-Air graphics insertion system. For more information about Viz Social click here.

  • Data Bridge: It reads locally stored data and writes it to a Viz Flowics data input in the cloud. For more information about the Data Bridge click here.

  • MOS Gateway: Streamline communication between Viz Flowics and major Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS), ensuring workflow integration. For information about how to configure a MOS gateway click here.

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