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Flowics NDI® Converter App
Updated over 9 months ago

Flowics NDI® Converter is a dedicated application that converts your Graphics to integrate into NDI workflows.

This application will receive a URL to a Flowics Graphics output and an NDI stream name (among other settings), continually render the HTML output and cast an NDI video.


  • Main Platform

    • Windows 10 or higher (64bit version)

Download & Install the Flowics NDI® Converter

  • Download the NDI converter app by clicking here

Setup NDI Stream - GUI mode

(1) Name your stream.

(2) Then, grab the graphics output URL and paste it.

Now set the resolution in which the graphics are rendered and the video is cast. You can pick from the predefined resolutions or input a custom one.

Set your NDI Output Frame Rate.

Enable or disable the GPU acceleration according to your needs:

  • Enable

    • Used for better performance so any graphics card should be able to support it.

    • Graphics will render on the GPU, resulting in better performance and quality in the rendering.

    • Bear in mind due to differences in GPU manufacturing, there may be different results in the way the HTML is rendered.

  • Disable

    • Rendering is pushed to the CPU.

    • It can result in slower rendering.

    • For RAM, 8GB or more works fine.

Once the setup is ready click on START

Notice that after starting the app additional information is displayed below the STOP button:

  • Status: Indicates if the application is started or not. States can be Stopped or Started.

  • FPS: They are the effective Frames Per Second of the rendering. It sets the actual performance.

  • Renderer: It refers to the graphics card that is being used.

  • Logs: It opens in a text editor the initial configuration and a record of all the events and actions that are affecting the process.

  • Warnings & Errors: These are the errors/warnings that the renderer returns.

Command line - CLI mode

After a successful installation, the application executable and libs are located at "C:\Program Files\Flowics NDI® Converter"

To run the app in console mode, launch Flowics.NDIConverter.exe. The CLI application should be run with command line parameters, to get help about them run:

Flowics.NDIConverter.exe –-help

Use the following command to run the NDI converter app:

C:\Program Files\Flowics NDI® Converter>Flowics.NDIConverter.exe --url=REPLACE WITH YOUR GRAPHICS OUTPUT --ndi-name=SET A STREAM NAME --resolution=1920x1080 --fps=30
  • Replace the URL with your Graphics output.

  • Set a stream name.

Take a look at the example below executing the Flowics NDI Converter with all the parameters required to integrate a Flowics output in your NDI stream:

C:\Program Files\Flowics NDI® Converter>Flowics.NDIConverter.exe --url= --ndi-name=Flowics-comandos --resolution=1920x1080 --fps=30

You can run multiple instances of the CLI app with different settings (do not use the same NDI stream name), and only a single instance of the GUI application.

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