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Graphics Events
Updated over a week ago

With Graphics Events, you can add interaction to your Graphics. This is useful for creating in-studio Graphics that the Talent can operate on a touchscreen.

Also, if you are rendering the Graphics directly on the Audience device, it enables direct audience interactivity.

How it Works

An event is an action that is executed under a user's instruction or trigger. To configure events, you need to define both the trigger and the action.

Elements that can trigger Events

Adding Events

To add an Event you have to select one of the mentioned elements and use the Events section at the inspector

Click Add Event to create one. You will see a panel in which you can configure it:

The first block (Labeled On) lets you select the action the user will need to do.

The second block, which starts with Do, lets you select what you want to happen

The options for DO are the following:


Extra Parameters


Go to URL

URL (bindable)

You can use it to navigate away from the current Graphics Package.

Send Message

Message Text (bindable)

When the Graphics Package is embedded, it can be used to send a message to the parent page. Useful for tracking and metrics

Transition Overlay

Target: An Overlay from the current Scene
Actions: Transition IN, Transition OUT, or Toggle.

Use to transition an overlay IN or OUT

Change Cycle Mode

Target: A Dynamic Content List from the current Scene
Mode: Set to Autoplay, Set to Manual, Toggle Manual/autoplay

Use to change the Cycling mode between Autoplay or Manual. This is useful for creating Play and Pause actions.

Next Step

Target: A Dynamic Content List from the current Scene

Use it to navigate to the next page or step

Previous Step

Target: A Dynamic Content List from the current Scene

Use to navigate to the previous page or step

After saving the Event, you will see it listed together with a control to add new events

You can configure several Events for the same Action and they will be grouped by Action type.

Once you have configured the Events you need, you can try them from the Output.


If you delete an element that was being targeted by an Event, the Element triggering the event will be marked as failing in the tree:

Events that are failing will be marked with the same style:

Controlling from the Output

When using events in the output, the actions will stay scoped to that output: they won't be sent to other instances of the output and you won't see any changes at the remote.

Controlling from the Remote

All Graphics Packages have a Remote Control that an operator can use to change what's on screen, but in the case you have created a Graphics Package to control In Studio, using the Remote Control at the same time can generate unexpected situations.

Every time a change comes from the Remote Control, the Graphics Package will be reset to the status indicated by the remote. This means the talent could lose an Overlay he has opened via an event interaction or even lose the position in a list of content.

For this reason, as a good practice, we suggest having a separate Graphics Package which only the talent controls for In Studio cases.

In the case you are planning to add to the mix some control from the production team, we strongly suggest carefully trying out the case and coordinating with the talent, previous to the show.

Use cases

Previous/Next Posts Content

Previous/Next Weather Forecast

Transition Overlay - Weather Forecast

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