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Single Sign-On FAQs
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you will find the frequently asked questions regarding what happens after implementing Single Sign-On (SSO) in Viz Flowics.

What is Single Sign-On (SSO) and how does it work with Viz Flowics?

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a user authentication process that allows users to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. When SSO is implemented in Viz Flowics, users are redirected to the SSO provider for authentication. After successful authentication, they are returned to Viz Flowics with their session established.

Does SSO handle user authorization in Viz Flowics?

No, SSO only handles user authentication, not user authorization. Authorization, which involves defining user permissions and access levels, is managed within Viz Flowics using user roles and teams. After authentication via SSO, users will still need to be assigned appropriate roles and teams within Viz Flowics to access the necessary projects and features.

Learn how to invite new users by clicking here

Learn more about user roles here

What happens to existing Viz Flowics users with emails in the SSO domain after SSO is implemented?

Existing Viz Flowics users with emails in the SSO domain will be redirected to the SSO provider for authentication. Once authenticated, they will be redirected back to Viz Flowics with their session active, allowing them to continue using the platform as before, but now with the added benefit of SSO for a streamlined login experience.

How are new Viz Flowics users with emails in the SSO domain handled?

New Viz Flowics users with emails in the SSO domain must be invited through the Viz Flowics platform. When inviting new users, you will need to set their teams and roles manually. Note that auto-provisioning of new users via SSO is not available. This means that even though SSO handles the authentication process, the setup of user roles and permissions must still be done within Viz Flowics.

What about Viz Flowics users who have emails outside the SSO domain?

Viz Flowics users with emails outside the SSO domain will continue to use the traditional user and password authentication method. Their login process will remain unchanged and will not be affected by the SSO implementation.

Do I need to make any changes to my Viz Flowics user roles and teams after implementing SSO?

While SSO simplifies authentication, you may need to review and adjust your roles and teams in Viz Flowics to ensure that all users have the appropriate access levels. This is especially important if you have added or modified user roles and teams as part of the SSO implementation process.

Can I disable SSO for specific users or groups?

No, you cannot disable SSO for specific users or groups. The SSO integration is applied at the domain level, meaning it affects all users within the configured domain uniformly.

Who should I contact if I encounter issues with SSO implementation?

If you have any issues or questions regarding SSO implementation in Viz Flowics, please reach out to our support team. Provide detailed information about the issue you're facing, including any error messages or specific problems encountered, so we can assist you promptly.

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