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Analysing Flow's Content
Updated over 11 months ago

Flowics allows you to measure conversation volume by checking the analytics of your Flows. You can access this information from the Analyze section in the Navigation Bar.


Top Flows

A ranking with the top 20 Flows listed in descendent order from the one with the greatest number of posts collected to the one with the lowest number of posts collected in the defined time frame.

Getting to know the Analyze Content section:

Flow Picker: You will be able to select the flow you want to analyze

Sources: You may choose which sources you want to analyze from your flow

Time Range: Here you will choose the time range in which you wish to analyze your flow's content

Time Frames: In this section, you will find some basic metrics for your Flows. You can filter these metrics by different time frames:

Time by














Count: You will see a count of the total number of posts collected and authors of the chosen Flow in the defined time frame.

Buzz: You will also see a buzz of the total number of posts collected over time for the chosen Flow in the defined time frame:

  • For both count and buzz, the applied sources are:

    • Twitter Stats & Content.

    • Facebook Stats & Content.

    • Instagram Stats & Content.

Learn more about the supported sources in our Supported sources article.

  • The most recent content collected on the chosen Flow. It is not affected by the defined time frame.


You will be able to see all your posts from your flow and you may choose to show only posts with videos, images, text or all of them:


Your authors which interacted the most within the Flow:


You will also see the most used hashtags within the Flow

Editing, Moderating and Exporting

In addition, you have the options to Edit (1) and Moderate (2) the Flow from this section. You can also export the Flow's content to a CSV (3) to get more metrics like total posts for each social network.

Find more valuable information in our How to successfully import a CSV file article.

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